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DeLauro Visits Bartron Medical Imaging In New Haven

April 15, 2013

Calls for Increased Emphasis on Manufacturing

NEW HAVEN, CT—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) todayvisited Bartron Medical Imaging, touring the facility and visiting withemployees. Bartron is a bio-science technology manufacturing company that makesproducts to improve medical imaging technology.

"Bartron's work not only saves lives, but is the kind ofinnovative work that is critical to our long-term economic growth.Incentivizing manufacturers to create jobs and conduct cutting-edge businesshere at home, not overseas, will ensure America can better compete in theglobal economy. In the coming weeks I will be reintroducing the bipartisan ManufacturingReinvestment Account Act, which would allow manufacturers to create anIRA-like account. Money withdrawn from this account would be taxed at a lowrate and then could be reinvested into equipment, facilities, or job training."

The Manufacturing Reinvestment Account Act is justone piece of DeLauro's comprehensive jobsplan, which prioritizes creating good, middle-class jobs to grow theeconomy and ensure America continues to compete in the global economy.

Bartron's advancements in medical imaging have resulted inearlier detection of osteoporosis and osteopenia and are also being employedwith breast cancer detection. Early detection is crucial in dealing withdisease and is something DeLauro, an ovarian cancer survivor, has fought forduring her time in Congress.

"My cancer diagnosis was caught early, thanks to the graceof God and biomedical research. I was lucky; my cancer was found by chance inits earliest stages and I have been cancer free for 27 years. But no one shouldhave to rely on luck and companies like Bartron help ensure that other womenwill benefit from early detection and go on to live long, healthy, productivelives."