DeLauro Fights Alongside Colleagues for Stay of Removal for Meriden Resident
WASHINGTON, DC (August 8, 2017) — Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released the following statement regarding the Trump administration's decision to deport Marco Reyes, a resident of Meriden, Connecticut, who has lived in the United States for 20 years with his wife and three children.
"The planned deportation of Marco Reyes is yet another example of the Trump administration's heartless immigration policy. Mr. Reyes, who was ordered to be deported today, has been granted a Stay of Removal in the past," said DeLauro. "Mr. Reyes is a productive member of society: he works hard, pays his taxes, and takes care of his wife and three children. Mr. Reyes has a credible threat to his life if he is deported to Ecuador. Mr. Reyes' brother-in-law was murdered, and his killer has threatened the lives of Mr. Reyes' family members. That is why I am working with Mr. Reyes' attorneys and my colleagues to pursue a new Stay of Removal."
"The Trump administration has lost sight of what makes America great: the opportunity to work hard, play by the rules, and provide for your family," continued DeLauro. "The stories of Marco Reyes, Nury Chavvaria, Luis Barrios and so many others are the reason why Congress needs to take up comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to legal citizenship. Our nation's immigration enforcement agents should be focused on deporting dangerous criminals, not breaking up families."
Despite President Trump's claim that he would focus on dangerous criminals, his Administration is now targeting undocumented immigrants, such as Mr. Reyes, who do not have a criminal record. Mr. Reyes is currently under sanctuary at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church in New Haven, Connecticut.