DeLauro Celebrates 13 Years of the Affordable Care Act
Today, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) released a statement marking the 13th anniversary of President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act into law.
“One of the proudest votes in my career was for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It has been a gamechanger for American healthcare. Because of it, those with pre-existing conditions can now get insurance coverage. Preventive screenings, maternity care, and pediatric care are all now covered with no co-pay. Further, there are no longer lifetime limits or annual caps on coverage for health benefits. Thanks to marketplaces like Access Health Connecticut, individuals and families now have more choices and access to more quality, affordable health insurance plans.
“Rising costs amount to a daily assault on working Americans. We must meet families where they are and bring down the costs of healthcare. We can do this by strengthening and improving the ACA, ensuring there are affordable health coverage options while bringing down the costs of premiums and deductibles. This also means tackling the high costs of prescription drugs, which is one of the largest drivers of increases to annual premiums.
“However, 13 years later, the ACA continues to deliver. It has provided millions of people with the care they depend on, and the security that a visit to the hospital or a health emergency will not bankrupt them. I promise I will work to improve this program and will fight any attempts to weaken or repeal it.”