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DeLauro Condemns Trump Administration Attempt to Roll Back Veterans’ Protection from For Profit Colleges

October 3, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC (October 3, 2017) Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration's announcement of a proposal to roll-back a conflict of interest law that prevents Department of Veterans Affairs' employees from profiting from for-profit colleges which receive money from the G.I. Bill.

"The Trump Administration's latest proposal to allow government employees to profit from our nation's veterans via conflicts of interest is mind-boggling," said DeLauro. "The laws on the books prevent government officials from making decisions based partially or completely upon what would give them a personal financial gain. That is a straightforward, commonsense law, and it should stand as-is.

"The VA is not a vehicle for funneling veterans into high debt, predatory education institutions that manipulate veterans into enrolling while reaping profits at the expense of American taxpayers."