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DeLauro Marks Women’s Equality Day, 98th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment

August 26, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC — Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today marked the 98th anniversary of the adoption of 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

Watch Congresswoman DeLauro's video making Women's Equality Day.(link is external)

"As we recognize the enormous achievements women have made in all walks of life—from business to education to politics—we must also recommit to the work ahead," said DeLauro. "Women and their families still face tremendous economic pressures. Women earn just 80 cents for every dollar a man makes on average, are less likely than men to have paid sick days or family leave to take care of themselves or their family, and disproportionately bear the burden of finding quality, affordable child care. That is simply unacceptable, and we have to do something about it."

"I can think of no better way to honor the suffragettes' monumental achievements than to build upon them," continued DeLauro. "That is why I will continue fighting for women's equality through the Paycheck Fairness Act, the Healthy Families Act, the FAMILY Act, and other policies that will help ensure women have lasting economic security."