DeLauro Slams Repeal of Affordable Care Act Preventive Services Mandate
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released a statement in response to a Trump-appointed extremist judge striking down the Affordable Care Act’s preventive services coverage mandate, which requires insurers to cover certain preventive screenings without cost sharing.
“This decision is deadly,” said Congresswoman DeLauro. “Preventive services detect diseases early on, allowing Americans the opportunity to seek out treatment or preventive health services before a diagnosis becomes a death sentence. We are talking cancer screenings, blood pressure screenings, immunizations, HIV/AIDS prevention, depression screenings, and many more services that Americans rely on to stay healthy. This decision must be undone immediately – lives are at stake.”
On March 30, 2023, a Trump-appointed judge in Texas ruled that the Affordable Care Act preventive services mandate cannot be enforced nationwide. The ruling puts in jeopardy the access Americans will have to a host of preventive treatments. A full list of preventive care benefits available to adults, women, and children can be found here.