DeLauro Slams Senate Tax Bill That Would Raise Americans’ Health Premiums
WASHINGTON, DC — Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) released the following statement regarding the Republican Senate tax cut bill, which would repeal a crucial part of the Affordable Care Act that promotes stability in the insurance marketplaces.
"The Affordable Care Act has helped tens of millions of Americans gain access to quality health care—many for the first time—while driving the rate of uninsured Americans down to record lows. Yet Republican Senators' are maneuvering to repeal a key portion of the ACA, the individual mandate, within their tax cut bill. This will increase premiums for people all across the country, and you do not just have to take my word for it. New analyses from the Commonwealth Fund and the Center for American Progress show that annual premiums will go up by 10 percent on average above what the CBO has already projected under current law. And the AARP stated that older Americans from 50-64 in particular will be hurt by the Senate tax bill, with their average premiums slated to go up by $1,500."
"The American people cannot afford the Republican tax scam that raises their healthcare premiums by hundreds or thousands of dollars each year while cutting taxes for millionaires, billionaires, and corporate special interests. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to reject this bill and start putting middle class families first."
Analyses on how much Americans' premiums will rise if the Senate tax bill passes can be found below: