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DeLauro Statement on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Internal Organization Review

September 1, 2022

Chair of the House Appropriations Committee Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today applauded the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for releasing a report from their internal organization review.

"First, I want to commend the CDC Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, for leading the charge on conducting an agencywide review that will position CDC to better respond to emerging public health threats, collect data, and keep Americans better informed and healthy," said Chair DeLauro. "Dr. Walensky has listened and has already announced a number of changes to the agency's public health response so that we ensure our response both equitably protects and promotes the health of the American people."

Chair DeLauro's fiscal year (FY) 2023 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) appropriations bill aligns with key recommendations from the internal review, as it supports the strengthening of core public health capabilities at CDC, including increased funding for CDC laboratories, public health data modernization, and investments in our public health workforce.

As Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, DeLauro established the public health data modernization program in her FY 2020 LHHS federal spending bill to modernize and integrate in real-time public health data systems with CDC, State, territorial, local, and tribal partners.

She also established the public health infrastructure and capacity program under the FY 2022 federal spending bill to help turn the tide on the nation's public health capacity.

"By giving CDC a stable source of flexible funding, the agency is better equipped to coordinate, both internally and externally, and save lives," continued DeLauro. "I am glad to see the CDC, under Dr. Walensky's leadership, build on the investments provided under these federal spending bills. I look forward to our ongoing work together to better public health, data modernization and sharing, and ensure this vital agency is better equipped to save lives."

Issues:Health Care