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DeLauro Statement on Extremist Judge’s Attack on the ACA’s Preventive Services including PrEP Medication and Birth Control

September 7, 2022

Chair of the House Appropriations Committee Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released a statement following news that a Texas judge ruled that employers can deny coverage for preventive health services guaranteed under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) including PrEP, a life-saving drug therapy to prevent HIV/AIDS; birth control; routine cancer screenings; and depression screenings.

"As a thirty-five-year ovarian cancer survivor, I am outraged that this judge would take us back to the days before the ACA when individuals suffered pain and even death because coverage for routine cancer screenings were not guaranteed without cost-sharing. The data is overwhelmingly clear that reinstating cost-sharing for preventive services for the more than 167.5 million who rely on private health insurance, as many will choose to forego these services because of the cost. Preventive health services not only save lives, but they prevent more costly treatments and hospitalization.

"For years, PrEP has been a key tool in our fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic – a disease that does not discriminate. It prevents the spread of HIV and save lives. There is no good reason for an employer to be able to deny an employee coverage of this vital healthcare service.

"This ruling comes months after the unprecedented overturning of Roe v. Wade, and shows that conservatives on the bench are on the march to overturn a number of hard won freedoms earned by Americans.

"This decision is reckless and strips away life saving drugs. I promise to stand firm against their attacks with my Democratic colleagues in Congress. We will not go back."

Issues:Health Care