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DeLauro Statement on Final Breast Density Rule

September 10, 2024

Today, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) released a statement in response to the Food and Drug Administration finalizing its Mammography Quality Standards Act rule which requires healthcare providers to notify women when they have dense breasts and of the additional screenings that may be necessary to detect breast cancer.

“Ninety-nine percent of women who receive an early breast cancer diagnosis survive it,” said Congresswoman DeLauro. “Early detection is key, which is why I am proud that the FDA has finalized its Mammography Quality Standards Act rule. Women will be notified of whether they have dense breasts and the additional screenings that may be required to detect breast cancer. This is a great first step toward saving many lives, but we have more work to do. Now, we must enact my Find It Early Act, so that women do not face exorbitant out of pocket costs when it comes to receiving these additional screenings or forgo them entirely because they cannot afford them. We have the tools available to save millions of lives, and I will fight to make the Find It Early Act law.”

“I was very fortunate to receive my breast cancer diagnosis early, but far too many women find out when it is too late,” said Katie Couric. “The new rule finalized by FDA today will save lives – informing women of when they have dense breasts and that additional screenings may be necessary to detect breast cancer. When you have dense breasts and receive a mammogram, it is like looking for a snowball in a snowfield. They can miss tumors or suspicious tissues in dense breasts, and too often, that means women do not receive breast cancer diagnoses until it is too late. That is why women who have dense breasts should be able to receive these additional screenings at no additional cost. As this final rule comes into place, I will continue to work with Congresswoman DeLauro and Congressman Fitzpatrick to make the Find It Early Act law, so that women who need additional screenings receive them with no cost-sharing. This will save millions of lives, and I am proud to join in this effort to improve access to life-saving screenings.”

Issues:Health Care