DeLauro Statement on Medicare and Social Security Solvency
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 5, 2018) — Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released the following statement in response to new reports regarding the solvency of Medicare and Social Security.
"Today's news is further proof that President Trump's and Congressional Republicans' agenda is hurting America's seniors and future generations. By passing a tax scam that is rigged for the rich, Medicare's solvency has been reduced by 3 years—to 2026—and Social Security's long-term solvency issues remain."
"Seniors rely on Social Security and Medicare in order to retire with dignity. They are the bedrock of our nation's social safety net. That is why I remain a strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act, which extended Medicare's lifespan by 11 years. I am also an original cosponsor of my Connecticut colleague Congressman Larson's Social Security 2100 Act, which would extend the solvency of the Social Security Trust Fund beyond the next 75 years. I am proud to work with my Democratic colleagues every single day to protect and expand these programs in the face of relentless Republican attacks. Seniors—and all Americans who pay into these programs for their own future—deserve leaders that will keep their promises."