DeLauro Statement on Memorial Day
NEW HAVEN, CT – (May 25, 2020) Today, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) released a Memorial Day video honoring those who lost their lives serving in the United States Armed Forces. The video can be found here, and below are her remarks as delivered:
Each year on Memorial Day, we pause to remember those who lost their lives serving the United States in our Armed Forces. And though we may not be able to hold the types of ceremonies we are accustomed to this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, each of us can take time to commemorate their sacrifice.
Again and again, our service members have answered the call to duty to defend our freedom and our nation: in Iraq and Afghanistan; Vietnam and Korea; at Lexington and Concord during the War for Independence; and through two World Wars. Because of their courage and bravery, our republic is still standing strong.
On this day of remembrance, we honor their service and the heavy cost paid by those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Even more than that, we must take up their cause: to our country, our democracy, to freedom and opportunity, and to each other. That was their mission. And now more than ever, we must make it our own. Thank you, and stay safe.