DeLauro Statement on National Immunization Awareness Month
A video of her statement can be found here.
WASHINGTON, DC (August 16, 2019) – Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released a statement on importance of vaccinations during National Immunization Awareness Month. Below are her remarks as delivered:
Hello, this is Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, and today I want to recognize National Immunization Awareness Month.
Vaccination is one of the most crucial ways to ensure healthy communities. Despite a lot of misinformation, the science is clear: getting immunized protects you, your loved ones, and everyone in the community as it prevents the spread of disease. Vaccines save lives.
Every year, all adults should get the flu vaccine to protect themselves from the seasonal flu. Adults should also ensure they are up to date on their Tdap vaccine – tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Adults may need other vaccines depending on their job, travel, and other medical conditions. The best way to find out what vaccines that you, or your loved ones may need is to talk to a health care professional.
As a community, we should ensure that pregnant women, the elderly, children and newborns all see healthcare professionals to see if any special vaccinations are needed. When all of us get the vaccines we need, we ensure that all members of our community are not at unnecessary risk. For more information, please visit:
Thank you.