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DeLauro Statement on Secretary DeVos’s Decision to Rescind Gainful Employment Rule

August 10, 2018

WASHINGTON, DCCongresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released the following statement after Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced plans to rescind the gainful employment rule.

"Today, Secretary DeVos once again put the interests of for-profit schools ahead of students seeking a good education and good-paying jobs. The gainful employment rule protects students—especially our nation's veterans utilizing their GI Bill benefits—from low-quality, high-debt career education programs, yet it has been under attack from Congressional Republicans for years. DeVos's decision to repeal it will cost taxpayers billions of dollars more each year, all to prop up poorly performing schools. This is corruption at its worst. Students, including veterans, and taxpayers deserve a fierce advocate who will go to bat for them, not one looking out for their big donors, lobbyists, and predatory industry pals."

DeLauro is the lead Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee responsible for funding the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor.