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DeLauro Statement on Supreme Court Agreeing to Hear ACA Case

March 2, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC — (March 2, 2020) Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) released the following statement after the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case brought by Republican state officials and supported by President Trump and his administration.

"In the midst of a public health emergency posed by the coronavirus, President Trump, his administration, and Republican officials across the country are continuing to try to rip health coverage from tens of millions of Americans. That is unconscionable. Since its enactment, the Affordable Care Act has ensured healthcare for millions of working families and our most vulnerable. We cannot go back to the days when millions of people were denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions or simply could not afford it. That is the wrong path for people, and I will continue to fight with my colleagues to ensure the ACA remains the law of the land, expand healthcare coverage, and lower costs."

Issues:Health Care