Reps. DeFazio, DeLauro, Kind & Pingree: USDA Withdrawal of Organic Rule ‘Indefensible’
WASHINGTON, DC—Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Ron Kind (D-WI) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) issued a joint statement today on the USDA's withdrawal of the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices final rule.
"We are extremely disappointed that USDA withdrew the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices final rule. In doing so, USDA has ignored both the public and organic industry stakeholders. Without clear standards from the USDA, we are worried that businesses in our Districts will suffer as consumers lose confidence in the organic label.
"The USDA has based its decision on a number of false contentions. This final rule would have strengthened—not hurt—participation in the National Organic Program by ensuring a level playing field in the industry.
"USDA also says it ‘carefully considered public comments' in its decision. The facts show otherwise. Over 63,000 of those comments—from a total of 72,000 submitted—opposed withdrawal of the rule. In comparison, USDA only received 50 comments in support. It is indefensible for the agency to show such a blatant disregard for the public's stance."
The final rule withdrawal is effective May 13, 2018, and can be found here.