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Rosa DeLauro Celebrates Reopening of New Haven’s Sage Restaurant

November 9, 2012

City Point Neighborhood Suffered Damage in BothIrene and Sandy

NEWHAVEN, CT—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) released the following statementtoday celebrating the reopening of Sage American Grill and Oyster Bar. Sage opened after dealing with extensive flooding from Tropical Storm Irene,but had to close again after suffering more damage and winding up under waterduring Hurricane Sandy.

"Manycongratulations are in order for owner Dave McCoart and his dedicated staff,"DeLauro said. "Connecticut's coast has been battered by multiple stormsin the past year, but its residents and businesspeople have shown tremendousresilience in their determination to rebuild and press on. And of course thetiming, with New Haven Restaurant Week starting Monday, could not be better.

"Weshould also use this occasion to remember the thousands of people acrossConnecticut who struggle to put food on the table for their families. Oneout of seven people in the Third Congressional District is food insecure. That is just a nice way of saying they do not know where their next meal iscoming from. They are hungry. In the most prosperous nation in theworld, this is unacceptable.

"Butanyone can lend a helping hand by bringing non-perishable food items to NewHaven City Hall, The New Haven Free Public Library or Gateway Community Collegebetween now and the end of the month. I will be doing so and urge others whohave the resources to do so to help out our neighbors who are having a hardtime getting by."

Peoplecan also donate money, with diners participating in Restaurant Week having theoption of donating a dollar to their bill and the proceeds going to theConnecticut Food Bank.

DeLaurois a senior member of the committee responsible for the Agriculture Department,including the food stamp program. She is a longtime advocate fornutrition and anti-hunger issues both in Connecticut and nationally.